The Context and Theme Background
The world is faced with interwoven crises threatening the stability of many economies and societies(1). Despite growing economic vulnerabilities, the planet is grappling with climate emergencies requiring urgent steps to change the course for the future. It has become increasingly urgent to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy and even more sustainable forms of energy. However, access to energy remains a serious challenge. Current research indicates that 685.2 million people worldwide have no access to electricity(2). The levels of energy poverty are staggering in Sub-Saharan Africa and least-developed countries, with 571 million people lacking access to electricity.
The AMI2024’s theme “Energy Transition Minerals: Putting Communities First for an Inclusive Feminist Future”, flowed from the AMI2023 theme “A Just Energy Transition: Unlocking Community Potential and Participation”. In these two successive years, the forum has been seized with the question of transition and inclusion. It is without contradiction that the Energy Transition is the most critical question of our time. Including the affected is not enough; but transparency, decision-making and self-determination are more critical. This is the case as many argue that moving towards clean energy will fundamentally bring economic shock to many countries.
“The impacts of the climate crisis and rising poverty and inequalities are cumulative, interlinked and worsening in the places where they converge”(3). While literature claims that the impact of climate change will entrench inequality and exacerbate poverty, real demand for transition minerals is not bothered by these conditions. The demand for critical minerals continues to grow rapidly. Many researchers suggest that the main driver of the demand for critical minerals is the increasing proportion of Electric Vehicles(4).
(1) IRENA (2023), World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023: 1.5°C Pathway, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
(2) IRENA (2024), Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies and finance for renewable energy deployment, International
Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
(3) OECD (2024), Development Co-operation Report 2024: Tackling Poverty and Inequalities through the Green Transition, OECD Publishing, Paris.
(4) UN.(2024) World economic situation and prospects.